Tuesday, August 16, 2005
5:09 PM


life goes on

posted by crazyyuan
i realised
i finally realised.. not too late..
that how ever much u complain abt something.. it will never change.. unless u do something abt it..haha
but complaining makes u feel better
its never too late to complain .. really

haiz.. life not so good sia
now so bz for election com.. like its not going to end.. really ..can someone just go and run for president and get over and done with it?
cos we are like waiting and waiting for pple to come

will be posting dnd pics soon.. look out for them!!
haha zihui did her make up herself leh..
first time.. and it did not turn out disaterous..haha
take care everyone..
Thursday, August 11, 2005
1:16 PM


school....hall.. me split up

posted by crazyyuan
finally.. some time to myself.. maybe thts why i haven been blogging.. maybe i am plain lazy.. to just open the windown and add my thoughts some where..
the last itme bloged was like.. on my birthday..seems real far.. and insignificant now.. why does yesterday seem so far away...

these days have been bz.. after foc.. is opening of school.. trying to figure out wat subject is wat.. mentally exhausted.. hoping to clear up all the mess i have created.. the junk in my room and my mind.. to many things to do.. never prioritize,, end uo neglecting many many things.. sch is a mess. trying to clear 6 subject this sem.. more then ever.. one presentation every week.. xound sucky.. when u noe that the ur pronouciation is wrong. i speak singlish, there is no correct pitchin nor projection. posture is wrong too.. practically.. when i open my mouth .. its wrong..haha like always.. have like 9 weeks to buck up till the final video tapeing.. going to be hard.. wat stage fright.. that thing is not suppose to be exisitence when u are well prepared..haha. u beg to differ..

well.. money is tighter these days.. its horrible the way i spend.. v scary.. i dun like it at all.. i dun noe wat to blame it on .. the wrong clothes sense i had from the v beginning?.. i just realised fitting in is soooo hard.. and maybe i am not finanically able to do it.. even if i am metally able too... wat to do.. i a bit detest wearing hall shirts to nbs now.. its funny how pple chanhe their perception so fast.. so funny..wat to do .. ignorance is bless.. bo chap-ness is even better..

haiz.. now there is dnd.. clothes.. makeup.. contact.. accessoeis... they cost as much as my text books.. i want to cry le..

must be strong.. do my tutorials..

purpose passion and drive
i will blog more i promise myself... that way i will knoe that whether i am progressing.. if not .. may actually be preocratinating my life away..