Thursday, November 27, 2003
10:55 PM



posted by crazyyuan
i am just glad, very glad..not more exams!!!at least not for the next 7 months hahaha..i can just laugh all day..until my face muscle ach like shit..

ok big plans for up coming days:
+watch ju-no two
+see bodyworks
+go guitar chalet
+get part time
+make christmas cards
+burn songs on cd
+and many more!!!!!

so many things to do!!
watch out for me!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2003
2:45 PM


good and bad dream

posted by crazyyuan
I had the most horrifiying dream as well as the sweetest dream on Monday night. Let me talk about the horrible part first.

I dreamed that I was sitting in the hall waiting for the exams to start. And when the teacher said ‘you may turn over the booklet now and begin’, I turned over mine and to my horror, I say the passage which have read before I went to sleep that night. It was “The Approved”. I had not understood the passage and speculated that if the passage really came out..i would have died for sure, for I have no idea wat the passage was talking about. In the dream I looked at the passage and became frantic for I knew under exam conditions, there was no way I could make a head or tail of the passage. I was so terrified that my mind blanked out and did not know how any context or essay qns I should do and then later I blacked out too.. supposedly I fell asleep there and then at the exam table. When I woke up, it was just in time to to pass up the scripts. I realized that I have not written a single word nor a single page and I have nothing to pass up!! I was devastated when the teachers told respective students to collect the scripts of different questions. I could not pass up anything. Having realized that I flunked my exams I bursted into tears. But I was not entirely convinced and slapped and pinched myself thinking I was in a dream (which is true) and could wake up, but i didn’t and I realized that I have flunked the exams for real. There was every evidence then that convinced me I was not dreaming..

The dream continued with me and some friends watching opera in the school hall..yes some Chinese opera. I remember that I have chosen a seat so front that I ended up lying on the floor to watch the opera to avoid straining my neck. I think my subconscious took the idea from the news I watched that night, about the Chinese opera troop that was preparing to perform at a church.

The next part of the dream was the wonderful part..totally irrational to my life..i was a reporter(I thinking) or just a tag-a-long of a reporter who went to expore the hidden dark and messy alleys in some country. There I found a kitten and a puppy, which I took home and my mom actually agreed to let me keep. The puppy was a pug, exactly the one I saw on tv that afternoon on ’world’s most amazing animals’. I remember that I was surfing yingling;s blog, where I read that she wanted to keep a dog someday, and I was talking to myself: ‘me too!’. Anyway, I suppose that’s where the puppy and the kitten derived from my dream.

That was a long and exhausting dream, one of tears of fear as well as happiness. When I woke up I was more tired then when I went to bed, must have used too much brain power.
Monday, November 24, 2003
9:56 PM


posted by crazyyuan
getting a skin is certainly much easier than making one myself..hopeful, u all will get use to a less colourful site of mine...but it wont be for long

9:34 PM


"Mother Nature at work"

posted by crazyyuan
The following short story “Mother Nature at work” is taken the novel Me by Yuan Zihui (2003) who is currently dealing with the problems of acne on her face. Write a critical appreciation of the following short story, discussing how effectively in dramatic terms the writer presents her thoughts and feelings.

Mother Nature at work

Just when one supposed that Mother Nature have settled down once and for all, and that there was peace on all lands, a dark cloud appears to and sets the whole land in darkness.

Trouble was only sensed a few days before the catastrophe happened. As silent as it went away the last time, it came back again, but this time, it was determined to make a big bang.

There was initially sunshine and adequate rain when helped the lands stay lush and supple and pink. But as the examinations approached irregular storms, air, water and noise pollution started to take it toil on the once beautiful land and soon before one realizes it, the tragedy broke out of control. Outbreaks due to viruses and bacteria that have destroyed the dinosaurs now set out to create the same destruction a million years ago. Volcanoes that have been asleep for a few dozen years are sudden awoken by the stirring of an angry mother nature who have been awaiting to shows power to the world for the neglect mankind have shown towards her. It was nearest to the highest mountain Volcano Nose where the very first eruption took place. It exploded like a landmine that have been buried and unnoticed for a few decades, and have been just stepped on by an ignorant child. There was nothing mankind could do now, for it is not at all within his control. However to leave it alone was not at all satisfactory to mother nature who was determined to show her power. Slowly before any measure can be taken to disperse the affected and homeless, other volcanoes starts to show signs of activeness as well. Lands moved and rivers overflowed their banks, the once peaceful land is thrown into a state of chaos. The lava from some volcanoes flowed down the slopes like an unstoppable dam of water drowning everything in it path, while the rest exploded at the heart of the volcano and covered the skies with dark ashes and smoke. Craters could be seen every ten miles of a distance. Volcano experts struggle to understand what have caused the Ring of Fire to become active once more after so many years but they came to no conclusion. As the lava built up at the slopes of the volcanoes, each volcano became bigger and higher, with that, they just grew and grew and grew. The land was now been scarred and can no longer be as flawless was before.

As sudden as it have arrived, it left, not without leaving its scar of destruction behind. Whatever that has been left is left, and can only be made do with.

Those who have survived will learn the lesson they will never forget.
Sunday, November 23, 2003
9:32 PM


how is everyone??

posted by crazyyuan
hey guys how are all of u?
hope u are are doing fine..lit paper will be over in a few days time..those who have already finished your As..i'm sure u all are having great fun now..
As i thought before the As, the 10 day break between the lit papers requires more discipline than the one week continuous papers. Today Sunday liao..sadly, i have not done much, in comparison to wat i should be doing, that is reading all the gothic notes and getting familiar with the gothic texts and practicing p.c...i can only say that i tried to put myself in front of the table for as long as i could. my mind will always be fluttering off somewhere ,bothering with a hundred and one things on my mind with the gothic paper flashing in red in the back ground..the clock is constantly ticking..tick... if i dun study now i may never have the chance to..

As they say...a leopard never changes its spots... lets talk about wats been going on lately..
firstly...need to are all of u??? really miss u all u know..never dare to call u all..wait disturb u all..i will be committing a great sin..i remember wat my mom said when i bothered my brother when he was studying about ten years ago..she said,"ni yao si, yi ge ren qu si..bu yao la bie ren yi qi qu"..meaning..doesnt mean u are not studying others are not rozie..yingling..hami..jasmine..shuhui...have u all been good? have u all been studying?must jia you! me cheering for u all!

*sniff **sniff * me got flu this week also...the interesting thing is that this was not the typical "now i know how invaluable good health is,wish i had been grateful for the good health and took care of myself "period.
instead...a few weeks ago i was wondering wat i was like to be having a fever..and having a headache or flu..and i was sniffing through my unblocked nose the fresh air around me..i was grateful for the good health..for indeed i have not fallen sick for a long time..u must me thinking i am sick in my brain....thinking of being sick when i am in good health.. was a busy wk..not that i did a lot of gothic stuff or p.c. stuff..but a lot of not-lit stuff..highlights of the week

- hearing of the interview sally and xiao gan zhuo chuan xiong on radio 93.3..they are really nice fav song now is huang hun and hasayaki
- watching my love pazzi episode 4 , the very cute song'er and SJ.hehe(jang nara and Kim Jae Won)
-scouting for designs for the christmas card i am going to make for all my dear friends!! look out for the furry and chubby snowmen ,santas and christmas trees coming your mail box this chirstmas.!!
-scouting for a hair salon in tm and century square with jia dai to style our hair for grad night..haha..went to practially all the places before finally settled on one..jean yip..wonder wat will turn out..other than hair
-getting contact lenses with jiadai at got wear today at home.."wah lao"..was my first impression when i look in the mirror..'who the heck is that?' i couldnt recognise myself in the mirror..without my spects..i felt sooo 'naked' exposed i mean...nothing between my eyes and the gigantic world.. felt a bit unsafe..maybe i will settle with my dear specs in the end...
-bodyworks..still thinking of going..but i think in the end may not have the chance the mac bear beat..want to collect in the end also never get..still got to see matrix on 27...
Friday, November 21, 2003
12:58 PM


|---Meeting notice pple!!--|

posted by crazyyuan
*headache* hotel rooms..we are going different places to settle our face and hair we gonna meet..where we going to put the stuff for grad and for the pj to settle in before and after the grad...still want to have a pj party?..if at yingling house..hamidah cannot make it..shuhui house also available now..or i give one tiny suggestion where we can go..a place called"insomnia" at chijmes there i think..they open in wee hours ...supposely my "block" is invited haha...
----->>so meeting at Joan's house on 28 November<<----
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
7:11 PM


wat am i doing????

posted by crazyyuan
today is wed right?. frankly..i am not very sure..have been living day by day..hour by hour, minute by minute..wasting away..sleeping..eating..reading comics..i finally realised how destructive comics are..make u want to read them book after book...true i am procastinating my school work again..but when was the last time u did something u wanted to do instead of something u are supposed to do?.i am now the expert of creeping around the house with my naroto comic book tucked between the yelllowing pages of Jane Eyre..

hai..btw, me went out with my cousin and mom the other idea when..didnt keep track of bought my shawl and shoes..and bought a black leather strap just for fun..then when i went home..i realised that i could actually use a beaded star i made last year to make my grad night idea whether it will look nice or not..u guys will see..
u guys still wanna pierce ear or not arh?...getting a bit late u know..

gothic..i have know idea what is that before i took out my gothice file..but now i know..its that thick set of note..which i have not touched i a very long time...
quite sad..

was talking with my cousin, we were talking abt another cousin who is now working at fullerton..sound so fun..and he is now studying hospitality...had to learn about the different names of wine and when and where they were produced and so cool.. wish i can ask him more about his work..but we have driifted apart all these years...hope to see him really soon... now days i actually read the classified adds.looking for positions available for partime pple like me..and then imagaination wat i would do should i get the dreaming everyday..

yes reminding me of my dreams..i have very weird dreams these days..which makes me really puzzled when i get up.
most of the setting takes place in school.
i had actually dreamed of me dreaming in a dreaming and then waking up to find myself dreaming, but all this time..i was still dreaming..confusing..been dreaming of stuff mostly in tj..watching pple play soccer at the those kind of games where pple shoot paint balls at each other..and even one by the least they were better than the school collapsing down one....
Monday, November 17, 2003
11:24 PM


posted by crazyyuan

过完整个夏天 忧伤并没有好一些
开车行驶在公路无际无边 有离开自己的感觉

唱不完一首歌 疲倦还剩下黑眼圈 感情的世界
伤害在所难免 黄昏再美终要黑夜

依然记得 从你口中说出再现坚决如铁
灼身的错觉 黄昏的地平线 划出一句离别

割断幸福喜悦 相爱已经幻灭

ha.. when will one learn to cherish things? Only when they have learnt to lose them, have lost them and when they are losing them
Seconds by seconds, minutes by my life is ticking away..i feel i am wasting away too

Friday, November 14, 2003
9:26 PM


EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!(almost)

posted by crazyyuan
EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!(almost)
i can really go crazy man...i want to scream!!!! i want to shout..but i dun think i have the heart to do it..i dun think anyone will allow me to do it either...
the past week had really been a hectic week i liken it to being sucked inside a moment u are helplessly sucked in, unprepared, frighted, and then u are whirled around, with no sense of direction, the next moment u are spitted out as debris on it path of destruction...ah...i forcast sunny and cooling days for the whole of next week!!

any way the As really sucks man... no matter word can be used to describe it better...really..wat the teachers predict..all never come out..wat i study..only abt 25 percent come out..the rest i crap..i really hope i wont die too badly in the As, at least not as bad as the prelims..pls...

or yah..anyone want to see the bodyworks?..the human body one..duh
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
2:03 PM


posted by crazyyuan
haahaha..tomorrow...econs..not really exitied abt it..but i am happy i am halfway through the exams...
anyway..come online to tell everyone...

and want thing..i want to say thanks to everyone who have been encouraging to me during this period..i know i am morbid sometimes..the brain matter and icepick and stuff..but hey thats me....

and ONE bro got him blog!!.. and i think it looks really nice..really!!!..u pple must check it out ok?..and give comments... :P

Tuesday, November 4, 2003
2:23 PM


... ... ...

posted by crazyyuan
this is terrible

i do not know wat i am doing

i have no idea where i am going

i sit down at the table
i know i have a lot to revise
but everything refuse to go into my head
i just wish i could just say i give up
but i know there is still a few more days..
a glimmer of hope left
not enough to make a miracle happen
a miracle should not happen
i am not fit to even wish for a miracle

10 years down the road
i will be asking
wat was i doing?
wat was i thinking?
wat was i dreaming abt?
wat was the matter with me?
putting ur future at risk like that.
Monday, November 3, 2003
9:45 PM

0 comments any things to look forward too!!

posted by crazyyuan
haha..went to school today..had soo much funny coming up with crazy ideas of wat we would do after exams...we were so were our of them is going to each other's house during chinese new year...forget about the hongpao though..just visit for fun!!so we would not need to fuss about the money:P..

and then there was the idea to celebbrate christmas togther!!i think its pretty cool...maybe we could have pot luck..jas suggested baking ginger breadman- shaped cookies..with icing and m&ns and chocolate chip...drooling liao..and then jia dai gave the idea about have christmas socks!!..maybe make our own ones....knit one..then we can hang somewhere and give each and everyone a christmas present..i think the idea is soooo sweet..cannot wait...of course we can also make it a whole class's affair..jia dai suggested maybe we could dip for a person's name from a box of names and buy a present for him/ will be personalised...

and of course..wat we would do in preparation for the grad night...about the hotel room at conrade..the pj party..maybe can bring some chips and stuff to munch on too..and the 'dress rehersal'..haha...cannot imagine the chaos....and the going shopping together!!!..since when i like shoping i dun noe..but i like to do it with a great buch of friends..cos me really got no dress sense...and then there was the idea of getting a tan for grad night...thinking of having a tan during the day..and swimming in the pool later that night...then wont spoil the tan much can one not get excited!!!..

jia dai!! put the link of the red bean guy liao..just click on the pic can kawaiii..
Saturday, November 1, 2003
2:53 PM


有时侯我也会碰到不如意 宁愿哈哈大笑..也不要哭哭啼啼

posted by crazyyuan
cannot wait liao..exams pls come faster!! but not too fast haven really started on my econs..but who cares man..i just cannot wait to have all the funn after exams..the grad..the shopping..the seafood buffet..the parttime jobs...maybe go spca comic books...enrich myself....but then exams is only abt 9 days away....arh!!! haha..and i have the time to make the banner above...jis you anyway zihui..sometimes its not the result that matters..but the process..heh..and i am enjoying it!!