Tuesday, November 25, 2003
2:45 PM

good and bad dream

posted by crazyyuan
I had the most horrifiying dream as well as the sweetest dream on Monday night. Let me talk about the horrible part first.

I dreamed that I was sitting in the hall waiting for the exams to start. And when the teacher said ‘you may turn over the booklet now and begin’, I turned over mine and to my horror, I say the passage which have read before I went to sleep that night. It was “The Approved”. I had not understood the passage and speculated that if the passage really came out..i would have died for sure, for I have no idea wat the passage was talking about. In the dream I looked at the passage and became frantic for I knew under exam conditions, there was no way I could make a head or tail of the passage. I was so terrified that my mind blanked out and did not know how any context or essay qns I should do and then later I blacked out too.. supposedly I fell asleep there and then at the exam table. When I woke up, it was just in time to to pass up the scripts. I realized that I have not written a single word nor a single page and I have nothing to pass up!! I was devastated when the teachers told respective students to collect the scripts of different questions. I could not pass up anything. Having realized that I flunked my exams I bursted into tears. But I was not entirely convinced and slapped and pinched myself thinking I was in a dream (which is true) and could wake up, but i didn’t and I realized that I have flunked the exams for real. There was every evidence then that convinced me I was not dreaming..

The dream continued with me and some friends watching opera in the school hall..yes some Chinese opera. I remember that I have chosen a seat so front that I ended up lying on the floor to watch the opera to avoid straining my neck. I think my subconscious took the idea from the news I watched that night, about the Chinese opera troop that was preparing to perform at a church.

The next part of the dream was the wonderful part..totally irrational to my life..i was a reporter(I thinking) or just a tag-a-long of a reporter who went to expore the hidden dark and messy alleys in some country. There I found a kitten and a puppy, which I took home and my mom actually agreed to let me keep. The puppy was a pug, exactly the one I saw on tv that afternoon on ’world’s most amazing animals’. I remember that I was surfing yingling;s blog, where I read that she wanted to keep a dog someday, and I was talking to myself: ‘me too!’. Anyway, I suppose that’s where the puppy and the kitten derived from my dream.

That was a long and exhausting dream, one of tears of fear as well as happiness. When I woke up I was more tired then when I went to bed, must have used too much brain power.