Friday, November 14, 2003
9:26 PM

EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!(almost)

posted by crazyyuan
EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!(almost)
i can really go crazy man...i want to scream!!!! i want to shout..but i dun think i have the heart to do it..i dun think anyone will allow me to do it either...
the past week had really been a hectic week i liken it to being sucked inside a moment u are helplessly sucked in, unprepared, frighted, and then u are whirled around, with no sense of direction, the next moment u are spitted out as debris on it path of destruction...ah...i forcast sunny and cooling days for the whole of next week!!

any way the As really sucks man... no matter word can be used to describe it better...really..wat the teachers predict..all never come out..wat i study..only abt 25 percent come out..the rest i crap..i really hope i wont die too badly in the As, at least not as bad as the prelims..pls...

or yah..anyone want to see the bodyworks?..the human body one..duh