Thursday, October 23, 2003
8:49 PM

Life is great!!

posted by crazyyuan
got this sms from rosie:
When Life gives you a thousand reasons to cry,
show that you have a million and one reasons to smile.
Keep smiling and enjoy life no matter how hard it may seem to be ..

life have its ups and downs and things sometimes do become clearer after u have washed your eyes with tears. It contrast to the terrible day before..i had the most wonderful afternoon with my friends at the scope....though we were not doing significant anything together, the presence of all my friends comfort me and make me feel really much better.
The wonderful pple include ..Yingling who had been revising her econs and had ended up writing a 8 pg econs essay..eunice who had come and 'visit' us now and then with history..jia dai with her "wat crap?...sri lanka crab' jokes and constant bullying of her by me and rosie...rosie with her history notes trying to study but keep having to shoo away the fly that kept on singing (jd)...hamidah who was studying history and econs and drinking lots of water to keep her 'brain that is made up of 70% water' filled with mountain cool spring water...joan who now has ultralong fingernails and a significantly bigger thumb than mine sat down to crap with us about stuff of grad nite and the preparations.... and of course.....jasmine and shuhui who (i assumed) critisied the sg 17 mag from head to toe...the prom dresses....'the grandmother dress' i quote...and me of course attempting to complete the feat of doing a mock paper in the middle of all this chaos...haha of course i didnt finish..and then failed of course..who cares man..when i am having fun with u guys...

hey guys remember the pj party we planeed...haha..hope we can all make it and real great fun that night....look forward to seeing all of u real soon..take care!!