Thursday, February 28, 2008
10:29 AM



posted by crazyyuan
hohoh.. something to cheer up manga, vinyl toys, anime, designer toy lovers out there!!


Monday, February 25, 2008
1:41 PM


hectic and fulfilling

posted by crazyyuan
its been so hectic these few weeks, vdae, chalet, my sister-in-law's family came visiting.. so many things to do. so little time. makes u wonder where all the time go at the end of the day.and why all the food have to end up as inches to the tummy.. and i am nearing hitting the 50 kg category.. NEARLY.!!>.<

and i haven been a good gal.. been increasing late and just got reprimaded by boss for that.. lol.. can only blame it on myself on being lazy... have to be more punctual!!! and there are a few projects upcoming... so tons to things to plan. looking forward to a relaxing outing *hint* and a meetup with the 3302 gals.. need to do some shopping too.. lol .. and anyway an interested update from my side.. i am now sleeping on a 1m high bed... got to jump/climb up and down the bed so funny right.. feels like princess and the until the next.. not so boring update. take care gals!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
10:54 PM



posted by crazyyuan

look here look here!! haha look wat i have done!! >.< not exactly fantastic.. but i am jus too impaitent to do it u can try it on ur own pic too.. just need a following

1) gd res. pic u like - cos u going to stare at it for quite some time
2) photoshop program
3) interest to see what 'art' u will create
4) lots of time to spend/or for my case.. procrastinate..
5) most impt . visit this tutorial!

i am so procrastinating!!.. dread.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
1:31 AM


vector art!!

posted by crazyyuan
i dun noe if pple do this.. but i get HIGH on surfing photoshop websites.. and just a minute ago.. i found something i have been searching for.. for a long time..

its.. VECTOR ART! ok .. i noe it doesnt sound alot. but one thing is.. i dun noe wats the name of it to begin with in the first place to find out more abt it.. and just recently.. i realised its made up of components called vectors.. haha.. thus its name.. yes i noe it sounds stupid.. but its still cool to me!!

check out these cool pics:

and i am sure u spot similarities to the vector art used on channel u for their korean drama intros..:)

and wat is hot now.. is Vector Illustration...

Thursday, February 7, 2008
12:27 PM


touch and go..

posted by crazyyuan

want to make a software box .. check out this damn cool tut/photoshop action..

12:07 PM


thinking far.. will it come true?

posted by crazyyuan
i am thinking and i am considering...

din had a good night b4 cny. will strive to be better..

talked to a few pple abt studing parttime for a design course.. wonder how will that work out.. still finding info online on courses and cost.. someting to do with graphic design or visual communications.. dunnoe.. the skill will definately come in useful and look forward to meeting likeminded pple...要为自己制造机会!!be someone more useful..

have to run more.. dun want to be 白白胖胖.. for the new year..
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
2:40 PM


happy cny!!

posted by crazyyuan
hello pples..
firstly.. a happy pre chinese new year.. hope everyone gets lots of hong baos. eat lots of oranges, wear lots of nice clothes, have lots of fun, win lots of money.. and of course.. do not fall sick from all the goodies eating!

life is not easy.. thats why we have to live thru it! ya.. all the best to all in the new year!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
9:49 PM



posted by crazyyuan
i am afraid.. i am scared. its like starting from zero. givng up everything u ever though u should follow..

i go take dip course in design.. will it be v stupid??

9:38 PM


no idea..

posted by crazyyuan
i have my doubts what is going on.. i have no idea..

but i would like to ask u.. have u met anyone..whom after finished he/her course of studies.. finally found out what he/she really wanted to do? her passion.. something that made her tick? but somehow that seed inside her has nver been nourished.. hence it never bloomed. but somehow one day . the little seed saw a beautiful ray of sunlight and started to imagine what it could be. how pretty life could be..

and for a moment.. the person finally understood the meaning of following the crowd blindly, following the paper chase.. following in the foot steps of pple she loved.. but never once had the person sat down to consider wat she really wanted to do?

is this just a sudden interest? or will it come and haunt me down the road?
Saturday, February 2, 2008
11:52 PM


the wannabe

posted by crazyyuan
seeing my cousin go for so many interviews from so many industries, so many companies.. i am truly inspired.. maybe i am picky, lazy, but yes indeed it is ur first job.. u got to be career.. i had an arguement that came to me.. i dun know how true it is.. but here it is.. u tell me if its true.

as a civil eng.. and with the construction industry booming.. its true u can really afford to pick and choose.. as they are in urgent need of fresh grads.. like many other companies.. u got the mkt value.

but for a mkt grad. u got no exp.. thats bad. noone wants to pay someone and have to teach them at the same time. i am honest in my work experience, portfolio and media contacts.. i got little and none of them ..and there have to be some one to give u the chance.. thats whyi grabbed a job on the go.. just to gain exp first.. then look and find again.. and then as i discovered more ..only large mncs need marketers..pple with budget.. usualyl sales can do that job.. and they want pple with exp.. duh.. that makes the pool even smaller. and then for pple out there.. where do u learn the exp? i am still finding.. stubbornly refusing to go for banks and insurance.. and after the grammer test incident.. i have totally no fate in my english.. fondly remembering that the best report written in uni was the one that was proof read by my roomie who minors in eng.. i cant do marcom.. cos no one will trust me to do press releases.. then there are designs.. which i think i am fairly good at.. i cant do anything cos i dun have a design dip ( which i am considering finding out whether there are any part time courses).. but i doubt i will be able to afford them.. and i read the recruit today and saw a guy with a fines arts degree in typograhic design.. my god.. the sound of that makes me drool and jealous.. and then i did something crazy.. i wrote an email to the person.. yes..