Sunday, February 10, 2008
1:31 AM

vector art!!

posted by crazyyuan
i dun noe if pple do this.. but i get HIGH on surfing photoshop websites.. and just a minute ago.. i found something i have been searching for.. for a long time..

its.. VECTOR ART! ok .. i noe it doesnt sound alot. but one thing is.. i dun noe wats the name of it to begin with in the first place to find out more abt it.. and just recently.. i realised its made up of components called vectors.. haha.. thus its name.. yes i noe it sounds stupid.. but its still cool to me!!

check out these cool pics:

and i am sure u spot similarities to the vector art used on channel u for their korean drama intros..:)

and wat is hot now.. is Vector Illustration...