Sunday, January 20, 2008
11:02 PM

be positive.. (+_+)

posted by crazyyuan
extremely.. i find.. that i am becoming v negative.. as i would always tell myself. hope for the best.. expect the worst.. i always forget to do the stuff in front.. and just focus on the back.. and i am always v impaitent.. and thats getting on my nerves... see.. negative plus negative again.. haiz..

sometimes i wonder wat i am doing.. why i am here.. why are others there? why cant i be there? why am i comparing.. why do i want to be like them? how do i define my own sucess? is $$ the only thing i feel that is impt.. i know its shouldnt be.. but why does it affect me so much? its the real world.. i need to stop bluffing myself.. $$ is not important.. its VERY impt..
i have to die die remind myself.. i am just starting out.. what happened to the $$ is not impt.. experience is more impt..

i look at the jobstreet, jobsdb, jobcentral, recruit.. all i see.. is stuff i am not qualified for.. i have no idea whether i should be in this line. i have no confident to be in sales.. why is this happening.. i need answers.. pple say.. just apply.. go bullshit.. be confident. but i somehow dun see how that will work out in the end..

suddenly it become a chicken or egg issue..

problem: not enough $$
solutions: find a better job that has better pay

problem: dun have the correct skills set for the job i want
solutions:find out the correct skill sets in need and look in areas that will develop them. find a job that i can learn/develope them

mission: identify the skill sets u need to get the job u one
job i think i want: brand executive, marcom executive, marketing exe
skill sets i need: taken from xxx's website

Product Executive
Liaise with different internal departments on development of new consumer products and services, and enhancements to the existing products and services.
Provide updates to the relevant stakeholders on the new products and services developed.
Function as the project leader/driver on special projects to ensure timeline and deliverables are adhered to.
Document all product-related information and produce relevant reports.
Track and analyse performance of products and services throughout their entire product life cycle.
Review and propose changes to existing business processes and workflows to improve efficiency and productivity.
Provide regular statistical reports on subscriber base, usage patterns, revenue, etc

Product Marketing Executive
To support Marketing Managers in the launch of new products as well as support existing products.
Responsible for creating, amending and tracking the product Ids, and product tariffs for new services, new packages, existing products, new promotions, etc.
To coordinate with various internal departments on the creation and maintenance of product offerings e.g. work with web teams to create and update info on the websites for new services, promotions, extensions etc.
To monitor and tracking performance of the products after launch. This includes liasing with internal departments to collate monthly reports and compiling weekly statistics on product performance.
To liaise with internal Depts for monthly campaigns, new product launches and necessary POS materials for Roadshows, and events.
To work with various external parties to promote services e.g. conduct briefings to front liners, conduct service testing to provide marketing inputs.

Market Analyst
To support the marketing activities of Business Marketing to meet the needs of corporate customers. These include identifying needs, conducting market research, forecasting, budgeting, monitoring of performance, analyzing trends and competitive actions and developing market/pricing models.
To tap in-house and overseas business units, as well as research agencies/publications to collect competitive information, analyze trends and develop a competitive intelligence database.
To be the centre of knowledge for all matters and information relating to market and competition, and to work with the appropriate channels in applying this knowledge to winning customers.
The Market Analyst will also work closely with the Data Management Team, to ensure the integrity of in-house data, in order to generate accurate reporting and analysis.
To prepare regular reports for Management Reporting.
Identify customers’ needs, usage patterns, behavioral segmentation and high growth areas or trends. Analyze customer information from external research publication and internal customer databases.
Gather and analyze competitors’ intelligence. Provide accurate and timely analysis of intelligence, benchmarks and business trends.
Manage market research agencies and consultants.
Develop and maintain, a credible, and up-to-date market information base. This includes taking ownership, and assuming responsibility for data integrity and accuracy.
Work closely with Marketing Managers to support them with information in the development of their marketing programs.

thats a lot of things to know.. and learn.. where am i going to start.. how do i get them??...thats a hope new story.. i need to recognise opportunites.. i need to be postive!!