Saturday, December 29, 2007
11:57 PM


posted by crazyyuan
just in case no one noticed. my fav phrase of the moment is : then again..

i think i think too much.. then again.. thats better than not thinking at all right?

impossible is nothing. thats adidas's new tag line.. i was just surfing around looking for jobs. then i came across adidas's career page .. it reminded me of all the job sites i been looking thru. looking for mkt managers, pple with exp.. 2-3 years in A&P. like where the hell do u get that in the first place? maybe i am not looking in the right place at all..
its all a dream.. that mkt job. that mkt illusion.. then again.. aint all dreams like that? its all LIES. U LIE AT THE INTERVIEW, THEY LIE TO U AT THE INTERVIEW, WHEN U START WORK, U REALISE THAT THE WHOLE JOB IS A LIE. THATS THE REAL WORLD. if u dun lie. most prob u wun get a job. the world is no place for a honest fellow. i am not saying i am an honest fellow. but is the dark side so acceptable??
i dun understand...


  At 12:49 PM, January 04, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hey the thing about thinking too much, it's the same for a lot of us lar. But actually sometimes we need to let go and don't think too much. Sometimes not thinking at all is better cos it doesn't make us worry unnecessarily.

Just believe in yourself and be persistent! I'll give you my support!