Saturday, December 15, 2007
10:47 AM

hey.. its me again...

posted by crazyyuan
actually.. i did not expect this .. but for the past few weeks, i have actually been very happy at my work place.. i would attribute this to two reasons.. one is myself and the other my collegues

recently the small it firm has expanded.. lets say to 5 more pple... now the head count is .. 16. exclding the big boss who is seldom .. my daily work will start with the normal email check, gebiz tender checking.. then some admin work .. then back to my calling... and in the middle of the day when we get bored.. we blast music on our comps.. ok my comps usually and hum. sing... occasionally wobble to the music we like.. ( when the boss is not around) and if i do not manage to sneak off before my boss comes back.. more work to be done.. cracking our head over wat to write in our marketing reports and explore on new ideas to inflate our creative portfolio...yes.. recently i have been doing more of my work.. which resulted in an asounding good amt of appts.. which is quite pleasing to everyone but my boss who is aways not satisfied..

then the other reason would be my new collegus.. more or less everyone have settled in.. got used to the life here.. each other and their jokes.. with a admin staff on board. its good to see amy less stressed on admin work, with a new marketing personnel doing the same shit as me.. i reacted to the peer pressure and worked harder.. but i must say.. we both tried to use the peer pressure postiviely... constantly pushing each other to work harder/smarter and rubbing off creative ideas in the most amazing way.. no more doing being left alone in the office and grumbing like an attention-seekin child whose both parents are out at work all day.. now i got two more siblings to play with!.. indeed v interesting when u look at it..

so am i still changing job.. some part of me just wants to say.. GIVE ME A PAY RISE!!!!!!!!!! THANKS!