Friday, December 7, 2007
11:20 PM

well done?

posted by crazyyuan
post 556.

those who folow my blog prob knew i was in a baking craze recently.. then it died down a while... but i baked something today.. and i finally understand why it should die down.

1) i dun eat wat i bake.
usually i eat the first cupcake/cookie/ugly crumb out of the oven and leave the rest to the familt.. not v healthy for them...

2) i dun follow the same reciple everytime.
every cupcake i bake is diff.. i got so many recipes off the net that i just can keep track which i tried and which are good. thats a greedy baker.. make that extra kiasu

3)i dun follow instructions well
i started out with my sense of aga-ration.. which got me quite some scoldings from my then i started measuring more merticulously.. i tried.. but often i am too lazy..

4)i never know if the cake/cookie is done.
why doesnt food come with ' done ' indicators so we know when they are cooked?
i have not the slightest idea when my cookies are done or my cakes is in the oven long enough.. then again thats why my moist chocolate cake today turned out.. a bit hard...

5) i dun do frosting
i dun do decoratations such as buttercream and such.. lazy plus. not that think anyone is missing them yet.. so i have not been making cupcakes.. i was just making mini cakes.. cupcakes without decor/frosting aint a cupcake!!

damn... so what have i been doing.. ?


hmm... zihui, i think perhaps cooking might be more suited to you rather than baking.

cooking is less rigid in terms of measurements and you can rely a lot on agarations to see what goes well with your tongue and what not. you can take a few recipes and combine them and modify them according to your tastes too, that's what i do actually, haha. and because cooking is usually over a stove, it's really easy to tell if it's done or not. even if it's in the oven, food seldom go chao tah unlike cookies. like meat, overcooking it would make the meat just more tender and crumbly, but won't really burn it until its inedible. and there isn't a need to frost food. most people at home dont even bother to decorate the plates, unless you are french that is, haha.

it doesn't really matter whether u eat what u cook or not since there are always family and neighbours, you can invite friends over for tasting sessions and stuff. it's fun la.

maybe it's time u can try if something else suits you more than baking ba. it doesn't necessarily has to be cooking. lol~ all the best to you ba~

  At 10:44 AM, December 15, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said:

yes.. maybe cooking over the stove suits me better.. but my mom's in charge of the its better to just use her and a poisoning .. erm i mean a taste testing session sounds fine.. planning to make cupcakes for u guys to try out this x mas.. look out for it!
- huiz