Tuesday, December 25, 2007
11:07 AM

wat a xmas

posted by crazyyuan
its christmas.. and indeed a very different one for me this year. Its my first working xmas and work life dun really add to the atmosphere. people are rushing to beat dateline, targets and KPIs. (sales drops for B2B. but there are millions of sales out at the mall.. talk abt a commercially-over-hyped-up season)just base in last week and this week,i din do much calls as pple were all clearing leave and stuff and noone was interested to entertain a telemarketeer like me..

over the xmas season, met up with my cousin-in-law whom works as a senior hr consultant. wonder woman with two kids, great career, loving mom and great daughter-in-law. until u step out in the society, u will not tend to notice where pple are working in. ok i dun. and u dun have name cards to exchange. itd like facebook. i need to build up my list of contacts. back to my relative. she understood i was into marketing.. or think i am ... ( so few around me is doing mkting) and immediately asked wat my job scope was.. further probing just smashed my illusion of my first marketing job as the work of a common telemarketeer where they are employed my thousands at much lower cost prices in the neighbouring countries surrounding singapore. she says: marketing should be , marcom, branding, marketing anaylsis, advertisng and promo, talking to agencies and ads companies.. all too familar to wat seems to be wat some of us set out to do.. (i admit.. i am not very clear with my options.. if i can blame it on my education in ntu.. yes i am doing it now) then again, in uni.. they never trained us in this area.. or they never intended to anyway.. such specilised areas of marketing.. all vaguely passed thru with case studies and textbooks that assume that the moment u finish the course, u are armed with a ten million budget and a pool of marketing specilist at ur hand to do ur ads, promos and pricing. wow.. that so did not happen..

how unpredictable can life me... i quote from a friend.
things happen.. and more often than not.. we try to identify the prob.. who is right, who is wrong.. but often.. its subjective, relative and hurting to know the true answer. i would tell the gal.. as i would tell any gal in a r/s follow ur heart. dun stay for the sake of staying, if u see a future.. if u see urself in that future, stay on. if not.. find out why.. ur reason will tell u wat to do.. doing that may actually cause u less pain in the long run. and since i can speak for guys, i cannot only say.. if u still love her, go for it.. if it really hurts her that much.. let her go.. if u dun love her at all.. dun drag and waste each other's time..

will this words one day come to mock at me.. i really hope not. matters of the heart are unpredictable. as much as the clouds in the sky, no one knows where they come from and where they go.. ok except for some stupid scientists.. as we spoke abt wat happened.. we are all deeply saddened.. and more shocked. as we relived the big plans they had, the home, the family, future.. the amt of money he would limit himself to spend daily to save up for his family.. we just couldnt believe that the r/s would be over so suddenly. maybe that just human..