Sunday, January 27, 2008
11:09 AM

simple life yet

posted by crazyyuan
I AM BORED.. sianz. is it just me .. or do i just s***..

ok let me be more positive.

i have a working laptop
i have a pair of running shoes that have not fallen apart
i have a job and do get paid. although miserably
i bought my cny clothes already
i earn the least, i sleep the most, i spend the most, i save the least
my current phone still works. so i should not keep looking at or newspaper ads
i have pple who loves me and do not judge me by the amt of $$ i make
i should not keep sulking that i dun have a uni grad job and pay and no bonus at all
i should be contented, look for something better
i should be willing to accept change be more daring

ok let me be a little bit more positive.
wat i have learnt in the past year..
never judge a person too early.. then again.. try not to judge anyone at all..i aint that much better too
its not just about u
when u dun exercise u do get FAT
its possible that one can regret making things too easy for other
and then hate oneself when others dun appreciate u
and then wonder why u need pple to appreciate u so much
the lower the expectations, really the lower the disappointment
there is always pple worse of than u. but one should concentrate on the other end instead

wishes for the new year
save $500 a month
laptop dun break down
hope my seagate dun break down
phone dun break down
buy less clothes
eat more at home
find some meaningful( less self centered) activities to do..