Sunday, February 3, 2008
9:38 PM

no idea..

posted by crazyyuan
i have my doubts what is going on.. i have no idea..

but i would like to ask u.. have u met anyone..whom after finished he/her course of studies.. finally found out what he/she really wanted to do? her passion.. something that made her tick? but somehow that seed inside her has nver been nourished.. hence it never bloomed. but somehow one day . the little seed saw a beautiful ray of sunlight and started to imagine what it could be. how pretty life could be..

and for a moment.. the person finally understood the meaning of following the crowd blindly, following the paper chase.. following in the foot steps of pple she loved.. but never once had the person sat down to consider wat she really wanted to do?

is this just a sudden interest? or will it come and haunt me down the road?