Wednesday, February 13, 2008
10:54 PM


posted by crazyyuan

look here look here!! haha look wat i have done!! >.< not exactly fantastic.. but i am jus too impaitent to do it u can try it on ur own pic too.. just need a following

1) gd res. pic u like - cos u going to stare at it for quite some time
2) photoshop program
3) interest to see what 'art' u will create
4) lots of time to spend/or for my case.. procrastinate..
5) most impt . visit this tutorial!

i am so procrastinating!!.. dread.


  At 6:26 PM, February 14, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said:

hey! i have friends who are currently taking courses in a design school now..somewhere in arab street. can help u find out more! =)

- ying ling

  At 2:20 PM, February 29, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said:

very well done! Zihui as creative as always :)
