Monday, February 25, 2008
1:41 PM

hectic and fulfilling

posted by crazyyuan
its been so hectic these few weeks, vdae, chalet, my sister-in-law's family came visiting.. so many things to do. so little time. makes u wonder where all the time go at the end of the day.and why all the food have to end up as inches to the tummy.. and i am nearing hitting the 50 kg category.. NEARLY.!!>.<

and i haven been a good gal.. been increasing late and just got reprimaded by boss for that.. lol.. can only blame it on myself on being lazy... have to be more punctual!!! and there are a few projects upcoming... so tons to things to plan. looking forward to a relaxing outing *hint* and a meetup with the 3302 gals.. need to do some shopping too.. lol .. and anyway an interested update from my side.. i am now sleeping on a 1m high bed... got to jump/climb up and down the bed so funny right.. feels like princess and the until the next.. not so boring update. take care gals!