Monday, November 3, 2003
9:45 PM any things to look forward too!!

posted by crazyyuan
haha..went to school today..had soo much funny coming up with crazy ideas of wat we would do after exams...we were so were our of them is going to each other's house during chinese new year...forget about the hongpao though..just visit for fun!!so we would not need to fuss about the money:P..

and then there was the idea to celebbrate christmas togther!!i think its pretty cool...maybe we could have pot luck..jas suggested baking ginger breadman- shaped cookies..with icing and m&ns and chocolate chip...drooling liao..and then jia dai gave the idea about have christmas socks!!..maybe make our own ones....knit one..then we can hang somewhere and give each and everyone a christmas present..i think the idea is soooo sweet..cannot wait...of course we can also make it a whole class's affair..jia dai suggested maybe we could dip for a person's name from a box of names and buy a present for him/ will be personalised...

and of course..wat we would do in preparation for the grad night...about the hotel room at conrade..the pj party..maybe can bring some chips and stuff to munch on too..and the 'dress rehersal'..haha...cannot imagine the chaos....and the going shopping together!!!..since when i like shoping i dun noe..but i like to do it with a great buch of friends..cos me really got no dress sense...and then there was the idea of getting a tan for grad night...thinking of having a tan during the day..and swimming in the pool later that night...then wont spoil the tan much can one not get excited!!!..

jia dai!! put the link of the red bean guy liao..just click on the pic can kawaiii..