Monday, November 24, 2003
9:34 PM

"Mother Nature at work"

posted by crazyyuan
The following short story “Mother Nature at work” is taken the novel Me by Yuan Zihui (2003) who is currently dealing with the problems of acne on her face. Write a critical appreciation of the following short story, discussing how effectively in dramatic terms the writer presents her thoughts and feelings.

Mother Nature at work

Just when one supposed that Mother Nature have settled down once and for all, and that there was peace on all lands, a dark cloud appears to and sets the whole land in darkness.

Trouble was only sensed a few days before the catastrophe happened. As silent as it went away the last time, it came back again, but this time, it was determined to make a big bang.

There was initially sunshine and adequate rain when helped the lands stay lush and supple and pink. But as the examinations approached irregular storms, air, water and noise pollution started to take it toil on the once beautiful land and soon before one realizes it, the tragedy broke out of control. Outbreaks due to viruses and bacteria that have destroyed the dinosaurs now set out to create the same destruction a million years ago. Volcanoes that have been asleep for a few dozen years are sudden awoken by the stirring of an angry mother nature who have been awaiting to shows power to the world for the neglect mankind have shown towards her. It was nearest to the highest mountain Volcano Nose where the very first eruption took place. It exploded like a landmine that have been buried and unnoticed for a few decades, and have been just stepped on by an ignorant child. There was nothing mankind could do now, for it is not at all within his control. However to leave it alone was not at all satisfactory to mother nature who was determined to show her power. Slowly before any measure can be taken to disperse the affected and homeless, other volcanoes starts to show signs of activeness as well. Lands moved and rivers overflowed their banks, the once peaceful land is thrown into a state of chaos. The lava from some volcanoes flowed down the slopes like an unstoppable dam of water drowning everything in it path, while the rest exploded at the heart of the volcano and covered the skies with dark ashes and smoke. Craters could be seen every ten miles of a distance. Volcano experts struggle to understand what have caused the Ring of Fire to become active once more after so many years but they came to no conclusion. As the lava built up at the slopes of the volcanoes, each volcano became bigger and higher, with that, they just grew and grew and grew. The land was now been scarred and can no longer be as flawless was before.

As sudden as it have arrived, it left, not without leaving its scar of destruction behind. Whatever that has been left is left, and can only be made do with.

Those who have survived will learn the lesson they will never forget.