Wednesday, September 19, 2007
1:47 PM

wedding bells are ringing!

posted by crazyyuan

when i saw her blog, i was just confused by the picture of the 0.48(not 0.4) carat ring from tiffany and co (and she though we could not tell) and her " How do I know he's the one?..I just know........." lol.. seriously.. i am happy for you gal! yes mr barney is not getting younger, and ur ever youthful looks will definately come in handy down the road. my god.. i cannot imagine u in a wedding gown gal!! and lets not forget the sword cermony with tons of handsome young pilots!ooo.. u better practise walking ur high heels right now!

you always been the nicest person around, and sadly the type i would bully and tease at, but i do stand up for u once in a while right. not to mention how could me and miss blur ever get thru uni without you reminding us of all our datelines and projects.. u ever paitent, organised, neat, hardworking, quiet, simple, contented person (all opposites of me i noticed) .. how lucky of barney to have found you and taken care of u.. you must be happy k and should he bully u, you know who to look for! looking forward to more of ur good news!


Oei :D! Two things hor :D!

1) It's not a 0.4, but a 0.48 hor :D!

2) I'm not getting old, I've just entered my prime only ah :D!

Keke.... Thanks thanks lah :).... We haven't firm the wedding date yet, not that soon lah :D! Must must come hor, keke :)....
lol..the groom is here! note taken! its 0.48!(it must really look BIG on her small hands >.<) really happy for both of u, will definately attend.. if u guys still got seats for me then!! CONGRATES AGAIN!