Thursday, April 24, 2008
11:35 AM

looking forward to the greener grass..

posted by crazyyuan
fine.. some comments are meant to be kept to oneself.. but i just cannot help thinking aloud. but i dun think anyone cares as wat i think.. cos i dun matter much anyway in the first place.. its other's pple stuff.. so why should i even bother.. then again. being that un-bzbody is not my nature.. its realy a personally opinion.. bz body or silly isnt it..

this is not the first time this thing is happening to me.. and this time. its happening twice at once.. perhaps that really speaks abt wats wrong...with me. :(
i am guessing..that its my old problem..

but so i go home everyday. wondering why doesnt it change. and somehow i hope it will not.. cos it doesnt seem to matter anymore. if there is no big fuss, why should i? and why am i writing this? cos it just doesnt make sense to me.

i should just learn to leave pple alone and keep quiet.