Sunday, November 30, 2008
1:33 AM


posted by crazyyuan

sometimes, i tend to forget, life is as simple as it is complicated. try too hard. and often things really dun go your way..

had a rough week. on friday morning, i din had my breakfast and was moody the whole morning till i had lunch and coke. now i know why pple drink coke. other than that.. i got bitchy and sensitive to things around me. either i dun like certain pple or i think certain pple around me.most of the time.. the other way round. the world is not perfect and so am i, so is are my friends. lol perhaps that wat i like about it. at least some small percentage of wat i say will be right somehow...

saturday. slept in, woke up around 11. drop by amk to have lunch with dear and his family. austons at amk central. not bad. afterwhich we had to run errands. visit his grandma, buy cake for his sis, get her bdae present, a v pretty watch from guess. and to be punctual for dinner at kitchener rd to eat at pu tien. after which met up with the hall 9 gang for some after dinner coffee / chat. fruitful day. happy to see everyone fine. some changes here and there, pple planning, pple moving on, pple stuck in time, pple enjoying wat they are doing.. good to know the world is way beyond ur eye sight.. the world is full of pple with their lifes.. but ur life is a world of its own...

how will the event turn out? i really dunoe. i feaking dun think i will close the magazine. cw will scream at me and tas again. its going to be horrible. i now know. if i go home on time one day, there will be two days i have to stay back. whats the prob? me or my work, or maybe its my working method - not efficient

xmas comng soon. then its cny, why dun i feel anything. where is the festive spirit.. want to give, want pple to receive.. thats on my part. but will pple be happy? will i be happy? should i care whether be happy? should i only care that i be happy? why is it so complicated.

i wish u be safe and sound. things will be hard and tough, cos u are really good, life present u with challenges to test ur limits. such opportunites do not present themselves to anything. i know u prob dun really feel like it now, but just do ur best k? baby will be here. she will try to be sane, normal and positive...