Thursday, July 24, 2003
9:57 PM

posted by crazyyuan
Todae is my birthdae…
Woke up this morning with a very funny feeling.. that I will be receiving some presents…the feeling is weird and funny as I am so not used to receive presents..rather give pple presents to pple really…at least you get to see how pple react when they receive your homemade prezzie…so…sorri to the pple whom I gave weird expressions to when I received your presents…just that I dun noe how to react…cos I just cannot get myself used to the fact that I am worth all the trouble….of course..which I think I can be..
But hey..why complain when u are the one receiving the presents and they are all from your very best friends …like my great 33 pals and guitar gang…and the beloved old 24 gals…I really loved the presents and cards you all gave…

Life is short…like I always say never noe wat will happen tomorrow..never noe when u would not be able to see the next beautiful purple and pink sun set or sun rise… friendships are fragile too , often easily broken by misunderstandings…..(touch wood)

Therefore on my one and only 18th birthday….
I want to say THANK YOU !!! to all my friends!!
I love u all!!!