Sunday, October 24, 2004
1:31 PM

poem #101 - i am fine~

posted by crazyyuan
i am amused

i am amused i dunnoe why..
i dun understand why my clothes just wun dry
blame it on the passing cloud way up high
raining so much that i want to cry

i am amused i dun noe why
i dun understand why i am so nice...
so nice that pple dun think its fine
end up hurting pple which i mind

i am trying to change, it will take some time
meanwhile give me not a penny but a dime
for my thoughts to figure out
how to make this poem rhyme

like needles on the pine
they pierce through my heart like a crime
doesnt matter if u cannot find
the zihui u noe in hall nine
cos she is somewhere in between these lines
trying to show u some signs
that life is not that kind
no use if u just sit there and whine.

i love green i dun noe why
i just enjoy sitting in my bro's room and watch the grey clouds go by
see that we having endured all the grind
its the toughest moments that makes us shine


  At 6:48 PM, October 25, 2004 Anonymous Anonymous said:

Liar Liar... How could you be fine when you lost your hp on sat?

Like you say don't sit there to complain and whine because its useless. Go and try find back your hp.

You see you tried instead of giving up that's why you got it back. If you don't don't, its definitely gone for good.

What's that on life is not kind. If life is really that bad, then you will never see your hp again. Don't take for granted the things in your life.

God blessed you today. Be grateful at least for this smile on your face when you recover your hp. I know how happy you are.

You once wrote on a picture.
"The depth of darkness to which you can descend and still live is an exact measure of the height to which you can aspire to reach."

Try to survive. There are many friends cheering you on.