Saturday, October 16, 2004
1:25 AM


posted by crazyyuan
went jogging at 100am alone this morning.. cos i had a stressful day yesterday.. it exhausted me physically and mentally enough for me no not think about some matters.. well.. to some extend.. it worked.. but the problem was still there.. just that i had an outlet to vent out the excess energy on.. i so not see any other ways out...

went jogging again at 1200am just now with my friend.. same route, but there was six of us, zhiyuan, zhiyang, sek say, sheena, my cousin cheewee, and me~.. it was a better run.. the companion was good.. and funny.. for earlier in the evening.. we had jio aby 13 pple to go dinner together...ha.. a big no.. well abt the jog.. i suddenly though of something.. there was a part where we had to run down slope near to hall nine.. that part i was running alone.. as my specs were slippering off.. i held them in my hands..haha and was runnign on the road half blind..haaha the thing was.. it was a good feeling.. for everythign was blur.. and i though ..if life was just as blur and u dun noe where u are going.. but u just keep going forward.. how much better it would be.. for u will not expect anyting bad to happen.. u just jog on and on.. and its becos sometimes u see the challenges and troubles ahead too clearly that u become fearful and u puase in ur path... but at this pt of time, when u know there is a group of friends on the same route with u and that u all will reach the same spot in the end ..
on the other hand *wink*.. u can see jogging to be like attitude towars life.. if u run away from problems.. u end up the same place at the end of the route..ha..ya wat.. just one big circle.. wat i talking?.. i dun noe.. just that its the most impt to noe how to solve the problem , how to overcome it.. to gain stamina.. and be better at wat u do everyday.. then u will never dread that 2.4 route or nie route or 199 route again.. and every timeu see a problem, u see a good run. and not a tiring jog..haha