Wednesday, October 6, 2004
6:22 PM


posted by crazyyuan
u will not imagine wat i have done this week.. had to quizes this week.. acc on mon day and fm on tues... and guess wat.. i flunked both..yap BOTH
and then??.. i skipped 50% of my lesson this week also.. i skipped a mkting tut on monday and a stats lect on tues and a stats tut today.. reasons.. prepare for test, lousy lecturer,woke up late respectively... yap.. i am a lousy kid.. wat am i doing here?.. can someone tell me?.. and just when i want to start complaining how bad i am at studying.and how bus is just not the subject for me.. a loud voice in my head is like telling me.. (conversion goes like this)

'do u know that there are pple out there who cant even get into ntu?'
'i noe.. then i rather let the place to them'
'wat u talking?.. u are here alread.. u should make use of the chance given to u and stop whining..'
'ok..ok.. stop it.. will study'

well.. in year two business students are suppose to take specialisation course.. ha..went for a talk today.. then guess wat.. i realised that i canoot take bankig and finance cos i do not love figures and numbers and intergration.. things that are very essential to BnF and then i cannot take business it also.. cos its got a steep it curve.. means u got to LOVE IT like siao and appreciate the develpment of techonlogy.. ha... i only like my computer that all the technology i need.. and then i cannot take actuarial science... same goes for the maths and business sense... woah wat to doooooo???

i am actually quite amused how irritiating a person can get. or.. how irritated i can get by a human being.. i mean.. this guy is really testing my limits lor.. and my roomies one too and my neigbours too... well if u think this is funny... this is a game it is not.... (just in case u have not figured out.. WE CANNOT STAND THE SIGHT OF U.. thankyou)yes that the pt i want to make.. ya i noe u are quite thick... cos even if i am saying it here... i doubt u will understand... so i shall not bother to continue.. i find it even a waste of time to write abt u in my blog...


  At 9:31 AM, October 08, 2004 Anonymous Anonymous said:

Do not fear failure, Fear is only as deep as the mind allows.

"He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat." Napoleon I

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Thomas Alva Edison

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." William Jennings Bryan

The rest is up to yourself. Work to overcome your weakness and do well in exam or fall in despair to Fate and self-destruct.

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