Thursday, September 23, 2004
2:19 PM

my life *no preservatives added*

posted by crazyyuan
hello there....
first of all *hugs* to everyone!!!
to Shuhan, Peiyu,Yingling, Jiadai, Rosie, Eunice, Shuhui. Chenzhen, Jasmine, Joan, Hamidah, Meiqiang and all my great pals in NUS and SMU and NTU really miss u guys.. hope u all are doing well.. noe ur midterm exams are coming soon and heres wishing u all best of luck.. u all must jia you ok?.. hope to see u all real soon!!.. mean while take care too!! and i will too~

When to the dentist last night.. one of my teeth had chipped of.. and the nerves was infected as the breaking off of the tooth had exposed part of the nerve.. as the result.. had only to chioces.. do a nerve extraction or a tooth extraction.. one cost a whooping 700 bucks.. and the other .. 50 buck.. and the priceless cost of a teeth and the permanent lost of a tooth and a beautiful smile.. haha.. kidding,, not so serious.. so after weighting the unquantifiable and cost of the operation... me decided with the dentist and my mom.. over the telephone.. and after much complications.. we decided to take the trouble maker out... the tooth extraction.. all i feared was the needles to numb the area... anastetic or something like that.. but having the experience of taking out 8 teeth so as to put on braces (which effects have weathered off)... that means 16 huge needles pokes... my most ultimate fear was the needles(yes zihui fears something...).. for after experiencing the cold long hard stainless steel needle pierce through ur partially numbe skin and slowly slidding between ur teeth and into the gums below and the deeper it goes.. the addition of the fear of the needle breaking.. it being so deep inside plus the ever-lingering sharp piercing pain in ur gum... the rest of the extraction was easy peasy... reallly.. as the half of the face is paralyised.. u would not even complain if the dentist start to carve away ur nose or lips.. or even pull out all the teeth on the right side of the gums...haha..ok... but of course the brave zihui u all noe. simply sit through all of it bravely.. the needle was not that bad as i though.. when the two injections was over.. on the inside nerve and outside nerve..i ws so glad that i clapped..haha.. and it was only then my mom called the clinc to ask the dentist to not carry out the extraction..haha.. worried that i may bleed too much that night... but assuring that i am going to be alright.. we carried on... so now.. i only teeth in my many .. but enough i think...hee..