Sunday, September 19, 2004
9:17 PM

i will be myself again...

posted by crazyyuan
hi pple
hi to all who actually pop in now and then to read my blog.. would like to extend my greatest thanks to u.. the one who actually took some time off ur buzy schedule to read all this crazy crap of someone who dun really noe wat to do with her life.. or be it just an accidental click.. or u feeling bored and decided to pop in to kapo for a while..haha... watever .. thanks... cos i feelread to noe that u all care.. and i can feel it really..:P

well.. its the end of the recess period...ahahh... 6 weeks to exams/!!.. but look at it another way man... 10 weeks to after exams..haha and mean while.. theres HALL SUPPER this tues and MOONCAKE FESTIVAL CELEBRATION this fri and next sat theres another outing for WSC with the trainees at Singapore Bontanical Gardens..haha ... happy..

well.. theere is something i have been putting off for a long time.. something that is soooo typiically zihui.. thats is sharing my life!!!
well.. heres some photos.. me must my hands on a digi cam some day...

my beautiful room!!!

my roomie eyeing my chocolate!!!>

me and my beautiful roomie!!!>


  At 11:52 AM, October 01, 2004 Anonymous Anonymous said:

:) that is the smile that is so enjoyable to see that makes visiting zihui so worthwhile... even if its very far.