Thursday, September 2, 2004
3:31 PM

this is not my cup of tea...

posted by crazyyuan
i dun like to study...
ya.. then i will have ten millon responses.. u think i like to study?.. peiyu right?...haha.. today i have no school
its thurs day..
woke up at eleven today.. had lunch and and slacked unitl now..haha.. later got AGM at 8?and need to collect block fund at 10?.. before that have to go wsc meeting cum dinner 630?... sian..
and u think that is crazy?... why do u think yesterday.. vball at 530 and then interview for special project at 930 and then 1100 gto blk rep meeting then banner painting after that,,,, woah i so lihai.. i so sick.. wrtitng this down.. so if u find me a bt off thiese days forgive me.. been busy...

我要专心体会每一天 还是学会打发时间.飞得高一点 作我自己最特别..