Thursday, August 26, 2004
1:37 PM

i am sorry

posted by crazyyuan
heard something...if the sorry could solve everything.. whats the use of the police...
but really.. i admit gulity to all charges.. for neglecting all my school work and my dear friends as well.. dai.. give me a call ok?...just to talk.. me need to hear u to noe that u are still doing ok.. or wanna meet up?.. i m fine with that too..

i have been getting complains that my room is always full of people.. as the result.. me and my roomie dun really have much time to do hw.. well.. the root of the problem is in us too.. we love visitors.. entertaining them.. feeding them... not just visiors .. just strangers u have have got to known and have grown so close to that they have became great friends and when u dun have any family here.. they become yours and u become theirs.. the care and concern we show for eat other i believe is not abt just meetin gup for dinner or lunch.. but knowing how each other is doing.. not just walking to and fro hall and school everday only.. but knowing that there is a bunch of pple who do care too living in the same block as u.. maybe i sound sick.. cos i am a freshie.. but hey.. i cherish my friends here.. my neigbours and roomie and seniors who are ever so nice.. i mean .. i dun even think i can say i am lucky... i am very fortunate.. just being grateful.. so be it having a movie event.. or a dumpling feast...up coming!!