Thursday, August 5, 2004
4:08 AM

peaceful day today

posted by crazyyuan
had a peaceful day today..
nothing much... afer lessons had lunch woth nbs og pple and then in the afternoon when jurong point woth xuemei and seksay..bought a lot of goodies and i even bought a pair of pants and a t-shirt at bossini..haha.. and then came back to find that i kanna fly kite.. no one got with me to wsc tea session.. and then plan to have dinner have my IGL (idiotic GL).. also kanna fly kite.. dunnoe wat.. then me mood became black.. and then who ever came to ask me to be block rep.. me will avoid the qns.. not answering.. not very nice at all..
went the IGL room for a while.. feel quite fei4.. go back room.. went jogging with kanghui..firdt k he run F*ing fast.. then me got ab -cramp..watever,, very pain.. lucky he nice enough to slow down and jog slowly.. thanks kang hui.. went back to room.,, really shag... usually after run should feel really relaxed and shiok..but this time was not.. a bit quizzy.. figure that must be that i did not strectched properly prior to the run.. well.. went to my bro's room a for a while to eat apple.. and he screened i.robot .. and i fell asleep fiteen min into the show.. really.. tired..heaaded down to shower.. and returned to watch the last half an hour.. pretty nice show.. the theme of robots being programmed to protect their creators.. and how they make use of the rules as their excuse is oretty much seems in places like animatrix .. after that.. blogging and chatting with pple and blog and sleep

have not really been a good gal lately..
never do tut.. nvr bring books to tut..
been telling pple off.. like i noe a lot of things.. which in real life is not...
have not been friendly to my classmates,,, been abit tactless.. i think.. getting on pple nevres..and then the pple they so f-ing. intelect,,,,, wtever,,, cannot think liao.. shutting off...