Monday, August 2, 2004
3:28 AM

looony entry

posted by crazyyuan
pretty occupied
i am pretty.. tired.. i was little positive a few days befreo.. i wonder how long that postitivness will last.. i am like telling urself... u shuld be happy!.. u got all the freedom u want.. the attention u can get... your space to create ur own life.. and u understand that with great power comes great responsiblility.. when u are really left on your own.. u finally realise the things u can do and also.. the things u have to do also.. i find that every other moment of the day.. i am trying to be organised.. the to-do-list on my mind is never ending and grow ever longer every time i think abt it.. be it abt hostel stuff.. or school work..or giving tution, or going to work.. or just reading my notes and doing the dumb tutorials.. not falling asleep in class.. . stock up on my pantry.. going for a night jog.. or just a swim... pay my bills.. seeing where my next meal some from.. making sure i have enough money.. . meeting up with gals clique.. deciding which cca to join whther to go for their tea session..and last but not least.. the movie event( will further explain..).. and many many other stuff... when i stay at home.. i worry abt the stuff i need to do on the comp.. when i come to school.. its like a never ending journey.. no.. dun worry.. i am still fine.. not stressed or anything.. just a bit overwhelmed.. but i am glad to have a great bunch of friends i have came to known living in hall 9.. and through the hall camp.. everyone is different.. and i remind myself.. everyone is going through abt the same thing as me.. so.. relaz gal.. i am here blogging.. trying to sort out my thoughts..which usually works.. but i just found out.. it just shows me how much stuff i have on my mind...

sea coconut session..

ha.. procrastination... me just returned from my BGL(beloved GL)'s room.. had meet him on msn eariler and he wanted to borrow spoons from me.. but as a nice person.. he offered (with my suggestion..ha) me to join him for his dessert of sea coconut and longan at his room.. in block live in 45.. but i so hungry and bored sia.. me jioed his neighbours.. my new found good friends jill and imilia to enjoy the sweet desert.. we did not do much.. except por him before eating and suan him after clearing every drop of the soup..haha.. it was nice.. remined me of the three in one desert we had in school .. for one dollar.. sea coconut and longan and something else.. and lime.. hungry speaking of it.. but we are planning another outing to ikea to buy stuff on thurs!.. hope to get something nice there...~

movie event
ok.. u will probaby hear me talk abt this movie event thingy... so i might as well explain it.. it just started as a flag day event.. we got the tins and t-shirt and everyything.. but then.. we just sat in bugis food court and talked abt watching movies.. as the bugis theater did not have the shows timing which we could watch... well.. so we sat down and came up with a brillant plan of organising a hall event .. a movie marthon.. and we got into the details and one of us even msg the jcrc .. the com of the hall to ask.. whether we were allowed to do anything like that..and the president actually replied.. so we came up with the proposal and flyer and were given a go ahead for the project.. unbelieveable.. cos we were just a bunch of freshies.. of course theres a lot more stuff.. but shall not bother u with the details.. so on the coming 13 Aug.. we are holding
a movie screening at the reading room .. with help from the seniors ... really a lot of help.. as they felt heartened that we were so enthu to do somthing for the hall...yap.. one just one stupid f-ing night.. a few pple from the jcrc came into my room.. and scard the freaking hell out of me.. cos all the impt pple in the hall.. seemed to be interested in our funny little project.. and the only thing on my mind was .. wat mess have i got myself into?get me out of here!!?.. well.. i got into a bad mood and talked abt quiting.. suddenly i understood why i felt that way.. i felt saboed.. like u are standing backstage and happily enjoying the darkenss and doing ur work .. and then suddenly pple just pull up the curtains..and u feel so exposed... not that u are doing anything wrong... just that it does not feel at all right that u are in the limelight.... i guess the worse is over... or have they yet to come?.. well like wat i always say.. 'hope for the best... expect the worst'

train ride..
tampines to read though chpt one of my marketing text bk, wrote notes for it.. the first serious stuff i have since A levels...

tution $ food
should i give tution?.. i really think i need the money.. cos i spend too much.. me need to expand my wardrope.. and i recently bough a red converse sling bag.. a birthday present for myself..ha.. excuse...but i bought it.. the work and bch is not really payin much... and i am not eating enough.. need more $ to eat more... sponsorship anyone?

OG STALKERS....remembering everyone!

wat should i say..
we are not good at cheering.. we are the best og..from behind..we seldom lose terribly at games.. even came first at the city hike..but we are quiet!.. so quiet.. that the noisy one became best of the year.. laugh all u want..

the pple:
GL: group leaders.. pple who dun really do much.. except talk crap, teach cheers.. bring us around.. try to make us enthu..yap
lawrence: .. name very hard to remember... i know.. wat i must say of him.. quiet and shy and humble .. caring at times.. ha.. and quite dumb sometimes.. recycle his jokes.. our beloved GL!~
yifan: mummy of our og.. always there with her pink water bottle to quence our thirst.. plasters..and games and pretty same amount of crap..thanks to her.. we had a wonderful og outing of iceskating..
tristan: quiet .. usually seem to be deep in though.. very helpful person.. keep our belongings.. looks like a bubbly and sleepy..
rayner: compeitive ..zhuo lu... when bored,, totally shut off.. calls me steveymei mei.. always go around bullying pple when they are blindfolded...
SA: senior attachs.. pple who are no longer freshy.. join us for fun and games when we dun have enough pple.. usually stand at the side and watch us.. take care of us when GLs are busy.. so are nice pple so~
seksay: funny and fun guy.. health consious and black sesame and white sesame champ.. always jioing pple to join wsc...
kanghui: quiet .. have big eyes.. have injured leg but walk faster than any of us..helpful to many gal freshies.. u get the idea...
yixin: .. hmm.. hmmm.... hmmm...hmm..i will try to rmber
huixian: cute gal~ ever caring!.. sporty gal who joins us in games
baojiao: our yu nu~.. wat i always ever she play in the games.. she will still look pretty and neat as ever.. everyone is protective of her.. fragile! be careful! not too many blueblacks pls
peipei: disappeared the last few days.. have not seen her ever since
mary:another quiet one.. but as powerful as me and brave too! crossed the rope bridge with out a wince..
jieying: this gal divides one day's rations into that of 5 days 's meals...during the camp..can crap like anything
zhiwei: ZzZZzzzZ.. wat else?.. oh.. when do we sleep?..
weiliang:slacker.. on and off one..
qingyao: ...quiet man.. but come for the outings~.. everyone attempts to strike conversation with him.. but in vain.. but then he open his mouth.. he shocks everyone..
kevan: the gegao guy who was the only guy who pang se his girl during the ghost walk.. hmmph..ok guy lah.. helpful and sporty too