Wednesday, July 21, 2004
3:59 AM

garang me...

posted by crazyyuan
me should be sleeping now..haha.. 254... tmw have to wake up at 815.. but who cares.. me learning hostel life is like this... u late late dun sleep.. wait up like sleepy head in the morin.. totally blur..
well.. i am feeling bored now.. not really.. i was chatting with my brother on msn just now... and me was not online and i actually typed a whole load of crap to him.. before traveling to level 5 to the lundry room to figure out the washing machine... think we never set properly.. and it went tumbling liao.. brother say got setting btw synthtic and cotten.. wonder how it will turn out.. will keep u all up dated..haha
had a pretty nice day today..
played many nice games... wat games.. haiz.. very hard to describe.. fun games jiu dui le!..haha.. somemore the og only got 8 pple easier to know pple...
ok.. remember the last time i had an entry on the diff names i had a diff places?..haha... well ,, guess zihui is always not enough..pple have taken to calling me stevey-mei-mei.. haha.. actually sound quite sweet.. cos pple dun call me meimei.. like got so many kors.. hahaa (for those who dun noe.. mybrother is called steve).. and then they figured out in one way or another my 'english' name... stephanie or stefanie... watever....and then
ok.. well..i forget wat i wanna said...hhaa.. seeya~