Tuesday, July 13, 2004
11:03 AM


posted by crazyyuan
i've got a fever . i'm hot.. i cant be stopped...i got a front ohh back ah cant be stopped....

thats the delta cheer we all noe.. well.. i recently understood why got the ohh and ah... cos when u have a fever.. your body ache all over.. thats why u have the ohhs and ahhs...
felt feverish on sunday afternoon.. went back early from work.. the next morning.. when took my temperature.. it was 38.1 degrees.. at about 11plus.. my brain felt i was going to explode as though binded tight by a metal band... and that was 39.1 degrees and off to the doctor i went .. and after about 5 minutes of listening to my back and chest.. he concluded i had inflammation in my throat that had resulted in the fever and gave me a 23 bucks worth of medication... this is the second time i have seen the doctor in the past month.. sianz sia.. am i becoming a sick cat?.... and one thing.. me better liao! alive and kicking~

me got into hall 9.. now wondering whether to go for the hall camp... really not very sure... i am not as hestitent now as before for the nbs foc.. well.. now its just whether i can still take another 5days 4 night camp.. at least there will be a bed to sleep in.. no more sleeping in sleeping bags.. when i got back from the the nbsfoc..i could not get used to my bed... can u imagine that?.. a bit ridiculous.. and these few days... when ever i put my head down on the the pillow.. it hurts between the ears.. dun noe why.. i feel better sleeping sitting upright.....well should be better in a few days....