Tuesday, June 29, 2004
4:48 PM

someone's blog

posted by crazyyuan
was updating myself on pple's life(blog reading).. and then i came across ianyeo's bloggie.. find it rather interesting.. could not imagine how rosie talks crap to this person at first.. now i think i do.. well something he said was very interesing and got me thinking....

"I realised that trying to be a nice person is actually wrong because thats not who you are. Even though you may appear nice, you may actually not be nice inside and in the end, all you are doing is deceiving people. Haizz. So when I tried to be nice before, apparently I was wrong. Oh well, I guess being myself isn't so bad. I think."

well.. thought that this person is pretty straight to the point in this thoughts..funny sometimes ..but then flipping through his archives.. one will think differently