Monday, July 26, 2004
7:57 AM

first day of school

posted by crazyyuan
yeah.. ok.. not really first day of school.. jus some welcome ceromony.. watever.. it starts at 910.. but i dun noe how to get there.. meeting up with some hall mates.. but dun noe wheher they noe or not... i have no idea whether they are meeting for breakfast.... but me having milo and oreos now..ha a great way to start the day.. and the music in the background is symbolically : "We will get there" by Sun Yan Zi....

somethings in life , which people take for granted i would understand.. i fail to ...
sometimes when people believe that some things are naturally beyond my grip i surprise them..
but most of the time.. its the first one...

wat to do.. i have a very short term memory.. i take twice the length of time to remember pple's name and take half the time to forget them again...i cannot remember some of my NBS oG names liao..
so i am determined to remember my hall og one.. to be continued,,