Saturday, July 31, 2004
2:42 PM

ntu life...hostel life

posted by crazyyuan
errhhhh... i wrote.. like one page of stuff.. and then all disappear ... its so f-ing stupid...

well.. its been like one week staying in hostel..and i have already eaten six packets of instant noodles.. yes practically on for supper everyday.. except me having it for lunch today..
talk abt healthy living.. me have already eaten like five half boiled eggs in total for all the breakfast in this week.. why am i tell u this?.. cos i though u might me interested in knowing something abt my meals.. ok.. its becos i am eting myojo tom yam noodles noww.. on a saturaday after.. just returned from 1030-1230 lecture and still buzy with a lot of house keeping matters.. trying to get my life organised...trying very hard...
the lec this morning was interesting.. but i was so much concentrating on my two eye lids which are simply weighted down by invisible dumbbells...i was trying not to sleep... luckily i did not.. but i did not listen mmuch to wat the lecture said also..
the previous night i had gone to a hall 9-5 event.. 9pm to 5 am.. went ktv and bowling and played daytona and bishhy bashy...and then finally supper at gelang.. then back to hall.. and sleep at six and three hours alter wake up to go 1030-1230 lec.. shag ah.. i so much want to lie down and sleep.. bt save it for the mrt trip later...

well.. other then living in hall.. another big impt event in my life now is getting around ntu and getting to classes on time.. without getting lost..
up-to-date.. i have only walked around ntu twice alone.. both times i was lost...pathetic sia.. the lost of sense of direction does not help further..

well luckily i am living with my bro in the sam hall.. go nothing better can pop into his room to eat or just watch tv.. i mean there is only so much u can do if live in the hostel.. cannot really phold a party at ur room every other niggh...
well.. and the seniors here are really caring.. really.. even more nice than my bro in some ways..haha.. hopefully me not really distupting my bro's life here.. for i am grateful.. cos without him.. i would be lost as anything depending on my blurness and brainlessness... well now i have got lots of friends.. life is little easier.. i dun really think i am living in my bro's shadow..cos we are so diff...but then.. i am still having fun now.. ha..see ya guys around~