Tuesday, September 21, 2004
5:35 PM

We are more than what we do...much more than what we accomplish...far more than what we possess.

posted by crazyyuan
i felt very stressed yesterday.. so stressed that i wanted to blog( to get some attention.. but not too much.. i cannot possibly complain to my grp mates right?.. they are already think i am a very incooperative member..haiz.. sian ah!!)i was not playing much attention to their issues or topics.. but rather... at how fluent they were speaking.. something that i could not do.. hmm something i have to overcome.. somehow for being in Bus is all abt presentation.. we have t more than acc students.. so how?.. rather than lamenting of the no of project presentations i have to do...i have something else to say..
i was telling it to my classmate... how fortunate we really are...

instead of tests every week.. we have presentations...we dun have labs or lab reports to do.. we dun even need to do our tut sometimes.. our lectureers are either humourous or ununderstandable... we have 4 day weeks.. we live in hall.. du have to travel up and down te island everyday.. we have mcq for tests and also open books for exams. and our tutors keep emphasing that exams are not impt.. we will not fail.. at most get a c or d... as long as we go lessons.. and that we will all succeed when we leave uni... that is if we all lower our expectations of success... yap.. we are a lunky bunch..

i am lucky.. i have a real good bunch of gals and guy friends which we can talk about anything..the pple in hall.. who would have imagined that u would meet them and had such fun.. be it organising a mini mooncake party at the rooftop or just pigging out in my room or playing with lulu and lala my neigbour's hamsters..ha.. have u even seen a dwarf hamster that have grown to look like a rat?.. if u have not.. come over right now....
misunderstandings happen now and then .. and such things cannot be avoid.. espeically when it comes to friends.. who are still learning about each other all the time.. sometimes.. its best not to think too much.. just enjoy each other;s company bah...thats wat i have to say...ha.. so solemn..okok
on a happier note now...

will the sky pls stop raining?... cos i still want my hall supper...*stomach rumble*