Tuesday, September 28, 2004
9:47 PM

its just a quote..haha....

posted by crazyyuan
You learn to speak by speaking, to
study by studying, to run by running,
to work by working; in just the same
way, you learn to love by loving

Anatole France
French writer, member of the French Academy and Nobel Prize for Literature in 1921, 1844-1924

thats the quote of the day(rather interesting and nice one i think..:P).. as i read it out.. i realised that its actually can be true..haha.. u must be thinking.. it is true wat!!..ha.. i never though of it before mah.. just occured to me that it works out that way cannot meh?.. but a bit weird leh.. u learn to speak by speaking.. u learn to run by running.. was thinking.. if u are already running.. then u know already noe how to run wat..?!!.. then i realised.. when he said 'learn to'.. , its not the learning ABCs learning.. but.. that of understanding wat u are doing.. like learning to run by running... its not just the act of doing that something.. but realising wat u are doing and enjoying it....hmm..then again.. the quote may just trying to tell us that things are that simple.. very often u do things without realising and they jsut occure to u like natually..ha..like the 'just do it' attitude.. if u want to learn something.. et something done.. dun think too much..' just do it...thoughs and considerations just get in ur way..i mean..' i do not ell urself everyday.. i must wake up from bed.. u just do dun u?.. ha.. stupid eg.. anyway.. in addtion.. it talks abt learning to love .. just by loving.. hmm that is interesting.. possibly there are many pple in the world that simple think too much.. ... the love refering to aanything.. friendship or bgr and stuff.. watever.. learn to love by loving.. maybe by loving.. then u will understand wat love is all abt ...
this quote prob applies very much today.. that pple r so busy with their own stuff... that they have forgotten how to love.. everyday.. they are face their computers and boss and collegues and are buried in assignments and tutorials and date dues .. they have simple forgetten wat life is really about.. spending time with pple.. they have gotten so used to talkin gon msn or icq or msn that they have 'lost' social skills such as holding up a good conversation in public or even just a stranger.. this is where SDU comes into teach pple how to look good teach them how to interect with pple and most importantly . widen ur social circle... ok.. i diverting liao.. why am i crapping all this?.. cos i think i makes some sense.. and this is how i perceive this world and the effects of technology on our everyday lives.. how its 'benefitting' ur.. .. i mean.. techonlogy has improved our communications.. in some way or another.. it had also pulled us further apart.. when was the last time u were really laughing out loud when u typed 'lol'.. ha.. i dun noe.. we all are given a chance to behave the way we want others to perceive ourselves or just be our real selves...hmm i can say.. i have been both.. i guess everyone too.. u can say that u have not.. ha.. i would not believe.. cos that would meant that ur self denial is that strong...haha...okok.. have to end here.. or else .. will all my da4 dao4 li3 will be coming out...yapz

looking out of the room .. i see the big round orange moon.. yes its really pretty.. mid autumn again.. just reminded me that things are always on going.. no matter wat... the the moon will become a cresent one day.. but it will become a full moon again.. things take time.. things change.. but wat is most important is cherishing wat u have now.. have a happy mid autumn festival!!