Wednesday, October 6, 2004
8:52 PM


posted by crazyyuan
ya.. i blog.. therefore wat u see are my thought.. so wat if i think that way?.. am i not entitled to my thoughts?.. how come i suddenly realised that i am not tactful enough.. or should i say that.. i should not wrote wat i have written..i should have just kept the things to myself.. hey.. i though this is mine blog.. i can do wat i want in it.. i dun see why u pple should get so worked up over it.. ya.. its my blog.. wat i say.. u dun have to agree.. u dun have to understand, u dun have to react.. if u do.. is it my problem?.. if u have a problem .. ask urself.. why u so worked up also someone's comments to herself?...and wat if i cannot even say wat i want to say in my own blog.. well i might as well just write some fairy tale story in it.. were everything is beautiful and i offend no one...