Sunday, September 17, 2006
7:28 PM


posted by crazyyuan
Who would have thought??
Its been raining all day. The perfect weather to sleep in and never pop out from under ur blanket. I was trying v v hard to read my readings in my room when I hear a shout for my name.
My neighbour was asking me to come out to see a rainbow.. wats the big fuss abt a rainbow u may think.. but no. when I saw it.. my jaw dropped.. it was the biggest and most complete rainbow I ever seen!! I could see it from end to end and the colours were beautiful. How I wish I could invite the whole world to view it with me.. u guys would have felt that u are so tiny and blessed man. It was still drizzling.. and the sun was shining faintly. Guess that’s why the rainbow was so pretty and looked like a semicircle across the sky..

Wheres that pot of gold!!

I felt like a care bear! *(o.o)*


i believe in sunshine after the rain!