Thursday, August 17, 2006
5:11 PM

bleah 1000001

posted by crazyyuan
i am ill
i am sick
i am pmsy
i feel terrible

tired from the wsc welcome tea. tired from running here and there to sell tics. tired of being a bz body. tired of dnd.
but i chose to do all these.. why?
cos i chose to. but i am tired
there is stil the election com stuff to settle.

i came back. bathed.
mom called.
told her not going back on sun. no pt. she is not at home. go home go hall. seems just too troublesome
time to pick up some loose ends.

went to mel's room to watch tv. felt so much relaxed.. dun want to think anyting.
guys jioed to go joggin. at the track. a place i dun like.. a route of no ending.. one that one can easily give up and walk away.
after much hesitation. with a blocked nose. i went anyway. i wanted to be in the companion of friends. not alone.
it was 1100. lights were out. i had night blindness. specs kept slipping down my nose. i took them off.

i was left with a blur limited vision of only 1m ahead of me. i could only vaguely see two white lines in front of me. thats all. no other stuff. just me and the endless lines. couldnt see. couldnt count. ran beside a friend. pushed myself to 10 rounds.
my first 4km of the semester.
still feeling sick. but better. but why am i pushing myself i have no idea. i just needed to do somehing to tell myself. ill gal. move on. move on ill gal.

tmw is just another hectic day. u might as well push the last drop out of urself b4 u start another day.