Tuesday, July 18, 2006
9:41 PM

keroro gunso

posted by crazyyuan
haha went out with peiyu today..
an outing with no specific directions or objective.. just walking around and fulfilling miscellanous errands..lol even popped down to orchard at kino. where on the way we met peien and kok at tamp mrt train..
on the way i also bought somthing..lol u noe metro.. its that 'just want to get something' like of feeling or mood.lol
this is wat i got.. its a frog. got some name.. cant remember. just like its slly happy look.. that looks like peiyu sometimes.haha.. its stands abt 10 cm tall , afro and all :> spent the afternoon fixing it together (it comes in small pieces like gumdam figureines- all parts are mobile, even the hair!)presenting~ AFRO GUNSO!

cute hor.. saw it on the drama 'the train man' being played by the otaku..haha..its pretty cute. reminds me of the psyduck i use to have.. hope it reminds me to smile too :> next time anyone see it.. remember to say hi to it..hee