Friday, July 7, 2006
10:52 PM

good day!

posted by crazyyuan
i am happy today
just came back from shuhui's a fun one i would say..
there was rosie and gunni and jasmine.. wat more can i say!!
ur presences is anything to let me cheer up :>

shamelessly i took some things into my own hands when i realised that things arent going fast enough.. gunni u should have seen me!!.. they lighted the candles.. shuhui was in position. i ran to the light switch .. closed all of them.. and shouted, ' READY! 1.2.3!.. and everyone took the cue to sing happy birthday.. it couldnt have been more wonderfully exercuted i would say..muahaha. me and rosie and jas had a good laugh during and after the song.. it was simply something we all wanted to happen i guess..

had a good chat with rosie too.. she is so rosie man. lov her for who she is!!. lol and we are both upcoming organsiers for the first 3302 bbq cum chalet!!
look out for more info gals!