Thursday, July 6, 2006
8:32 PM


posted by crazyyuan
haiz. only left around 6 days le.. and i have to know this kind of news.. well its not really bad news, but its not good either

i remeber not too long ago, just a few nights ago, i spoke to gunni. and i felt bad for the stuff i said soon after.

then during foc last year, xuemei commented tat i was getting v tactless and rude.

and then on joan's blog. i was cutting and blunt.

and then when i was in secondary sch. there was writings on the table to tell me to be more tactful.

tact. or the lack of it. i hate it.

well i just want to say here that i have a bunch of friends who accept me for who i am .. even my flaws. i must thank you all.
perhaps from now on. i shall remember to keep a smiling face for everyone. be kind and sweet and polite. isnt that wat everyone wants? isnt that wat everyone expects? like wat xuemei said. its wrong to have bad eng. and i said so is it wrong to be fat?.. i wonder. possiblty xuemei must be one of the few pple who actually know and experience my tactlessness.

its ur tone.. its the way u say it..

perhaps so.. if u must say it.. say it in the say pple will be able to accept it.. not in such a matter-of-fact way i would think.. perhaps.. that jsut wat pple want to hear.. that u are humouring them.. lol

tone..of ur voice
like different tones of colours, different hues..

i dun understand.. i really think i dun..

wats worse than being rude..i would say.. to know that u are rude..
or more worse.. to know that u are rude and pple hate u