Friday, June 16, 2006
11:31 PM


posted by crazyyuan
its exactly 2 months le.. i dun noe if anyone cares.. i am not talking abt PA.. that has freaking one more month left. i noe wat i am like. at lot of things really dp whether i want to put the effort to think abt it.. if i dun,perhaps i just cant be bother. some pple calls it selective memory. u only remember wat u choose to remember.. lol if i remember.. that means it mattered to be.. so this must be it

yes.. i am very tired. but i am also constantly grateful for the freedom i am having now. no need to report to anyone. no need to be fearful of offending need to be especially tactful or even be careful of stepping one anyone's slipper. it took me one guy to realise wat i really want.ha.. freedom... sometime i wun be letting go of for a long long time..

work sucks.. so much i dun want to talk anymore abt it

i miss the tj gals.. i miss them quite a bit.. i admit that i wanted to add it the previous entry abt the camp. but i forgot. rosie's tag reminded me. meantime i have a few gd options.. if want i can help org .ha..
1)bbq- we just need a bbq pit.. or even.. an open corridor. but i figure u guys may not want to get dirty
2) soccer stayover - watch soccer of course and breakfast and maybe supper.
3)malay restruant that sell zicha at telepark.. can have a feast there
4) picnic at the beach

5)watch DRAGON BOAT RACE AT BEDOK THIS SUNDAY..OR IS IT NEXT.. can have picnic there..
6)or lets jsut meet up for movie and chill out at tcc...

ok mean while will think of something else,..