Tuesday, May 30, 2006
9:07 AM

rat race or not

posted by crazyyuan
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." George Bernard Shaw

the toils of working is getting onto me
i am now looking forward to the halfday on thurs. to go back sch to reg subjects..
and then there is ACID camp to look forward too.. keep wondering.. perhaps ther is really not enough pple for GL. perhaps.. dun really like to think i am a v helpful person. skipped two id sessions, felt terribly sorry for it.. but to think that i am not a v kind person in anyway. volunteering is prob the only way i can make myself feel less preoccupied with my own stuff.. too selfish le.. go id also must have reason.
the more you learn , the more u will realise that there are things that u have not learnt , the more learning to be done.right now, the more i want to be grateful for the things around me , the more i feel that i have not done enough.
the earthquake in indonesia, pple dying, children hungry, maids here worried, here we are. like a mouse in a cage with an exercise wheel to run on. we are bounded by our cage, can only burrow in the saw dust .. to nowwhere still. just hit plasic bottem and head up again. work is like the exercise wheel. round and round, no end no beginning. it starts ur day, it ends ur day. pple say its a rat race. i figure the only one in the race is u and u choose to be in it.. chasing after urself.