Sunday, May 28, 2006
2:12 PM

people around me make me who i am..

posted by crazyyuan
hello pple!!~
yuan v happy today. cos got many things done.. can really get things done when u dun go out..
1) got down to the meeting details with fyp tutor
2) caught up with helena on taking soci minor
3) chat with dapeng, and we going to be SAs together at the next foc!
4) planned my subjects for next sem.. hope i get them
5) decided to go back sch to a bit far.. but i still wat to take half day off.. hope my boss agrees
6) will do my logbook its 2 weeks late!

Yesterday went to watch The Da Vinci Code.. v disappointing, too long. not enough content. did not feel the thrill or excitiment. Is it becos i read the book?. too high expectations? the book was writen v cleverly. but it was not protrayed cleverly enough in the movie i think. those who did not read the book couldnt catch many stuff/ideas that it was tryin to put across.. but well i am still grateful to catch at least i noe it ok lah.. not v good tahts all.. i just like the book. After the movie screen. i attended joanie's church interactive workshop. Its the first time i attended somthing like this.. i discussed the main issues of the da vinci code.. and pointed out the facts and fiction. we all prob read the book as jsut a novel. so many bbooks and documentary are made to clarify and educate readers that many stuff in the books arent really true. but how many of us really go and find out for ourselves.. thats the mtv generation.. we just too lazy to think.. just take and accept.
the workshop was pretty nice. reminds me of the literture movies i have much ado about nothing, othello, girl with the pearl earing, we discussed the themes there after.. jsut that in davinci code.. it really related to the christianity. somehing that we should be sensitive abt i feel, not bcos its a religion, but becos we are living in a mulitracial society

and then before i watch davinci. the night b4 i watch XMEN III
muaha.. enjoy it so mch.. not the best seats in century square,( second last row), i watched with my colleague, Yani, a pretty cute temasek poly malay intern working in the same company with me.. she is amused at the way i laugh/snort.. the pple at work are. i dunnoe why. basically i bhb-ly said i was her angel sent from her bf from thailand cos he having attachment there.. and i am her companion for the next few months.. she herself is an angel for she is such a companion for me..thanks yani for tolerating my