Sunday, May 14, 2006
3:55 PM

my mom threatened

posted by crazyyuan
For the fifth time this week, my mom threatened to wash my 臭 臭 aka my smelly goofy.. last night she mentioned that she will fulfil that action when i go off to work.. perhaps its time.. its time to lock it somewhere safe..

todays mother's day.. lol nvr in my 20 yrs of life have i tried to think of somhing so hard to give her.. she also said. its all the works of the retailer. u dun have to buy anything.. she rejected the idea of an osim ipamper.. now i am looking at cooking cream corn for dinner.. have nver tried b4.. but wat can go wrong? at most get scoldings lor.. anyway.. the corn she left on the table was suppose to be for us to boiled and munched on b4 dinner.. how boring right.. 4 corns mind u..
so i surfed the net for cream corn recipes.. and came upon this think i found wat i wanted.. and was pretty glad to find this little treasure.. for it has other food links on the blog as well.. a must check it out for foodlovers..:>