Tuesday, May 2, 2006
1:05 PM

go with the flow..

posted by crazyyuan
yoz yoz...
miss shua ku went out with shufen yesterday.. went to bugis street..woah so nice there liao.. got second storey .. got many things too .. but did not complete the aganda for buying pa clothes.. dunnoe is i dun dare to buy or. maybe i am picky. i dun see anything that fits mee.. how.... but bugis street is really really big and cool now..lol

now on vcd craze..currently watching fruit basket.. noe that is an old show liao. ha.. but i find it rather interesting.. one of the concept in episode 3 happen to answered my qns to my previous entry..

this is somewat the conversation that happened btw the gal and another guy (who was suppose to be the rat):

the gal : u have the power to draw pple in
the guy: i am only nice becos i want to be liked by them
the guy: maybe i am hypocritcal
the gal recalls wat here mom told her: people are not born with kindness. things like our appeite or material desires are that wat we are all born with - thats our instinct for living. Kindness is something that developes just like our bodies do and the heart that grows inside us is our conscience. Thats why they take different forms depending on the personthe gal notes: kindness is somthing which pple have to make for themselves, hence it is easily misunderstood or taken to be hypocrisy
the gal: pple have kindness of different shapes: round, pointed...
the gal recalls again: doubting is easy, its something all of us do. tohru (the gals' name), you believe , believe in the others - that will surely hend strength to someone

when i saw the anime.. for a moment.. i though that perhaps my qns was answered. like the adam khoo talk.. the first thing u should always have b4 u can suceed in life is to have the belief that u can do it. to believe in urself.. for some reason.. i dun really have that.. sometimes i just feel that its much easier not to do so.. so much easier to just believe in other..
perhaps its really easy to just live in a shell pple create for u.. and wat u protray..lol sounds empty..lol..