Wednesday, April 26, 2006
1:09 AM

i have a great neighbour..hee

posted by crazyyuan
todae.. shall share with u some nice pic!
of me and my neighbour..michelle!!~ *is that how u spell?..
anyway. she is v pretty, (look at the pic..drool...)chubby v cute and dance v v v well.. i offered to be her pole is she wants to go chiong one there.. but dun think she will ever need
haha she is also a v sweet gal.. v neat and clean and sweet (did i say this before?).. and v motherly ( *i can hear her screaming*).. ha.. like advertisment like that.. so grab her now.. limited editions available!!.. oh no!.. you guys ant fast enough..muahaha.. she's taken liao, but a v sweet guy as well..haha.. v interesting couple, v crappy too..

actually we dun really talk much .. but due to exam stress..we have started talking (quite loudly) at our common corridor, which is still nice, no regrets, better than trying to start a convsation in the early morning while brushing your teeth right?lol..
yup so michelle!.. you take care when u go 48 yeah!! perhaps u can get a whole dance grp formed at the single room

.it was great knowing u man.. always so nice..and thanks for talking to me when i was really bored and had to interupt u hanging ur clothes..from now on u can do it in peace... i will still remain here in 45 and attempt to take revenge on the theif who stole ur stuff.. if i get my hand on him..haha.. jia you gal!! have a damn sweet life!!